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For over 25 years Spanish Easy has been teaching Spanish as a second language, both in Canberra and Melbourne. Some students go on to live and work in Latin American countries; others use their language skills to further their work or travel aspirations. Most students begin with our popular Beginners-Introductory Course, which provides an immersion into the language useful for tourism but also as a sound foundation for our continuing tuition, which we offer through intermediate levels up to advanced.

Our principal, NANCY is a native speaker with a thorough knowledge of up-to-date Spanish language usage in the 'real world'. She worked in communications for international companies in South America and is widely travelled in the Hispanic world. Her team for 2025 includes WILLIAM, YURI, PAULA, SEBASTIAN and RAQUEL, all from various parts of Latin America. We teach Spanish for use in any part of the world.

Spanish Easy ABN 96915657768 in association with Aprenda Australia ABN 90635080896

buscamos profesor/a
for evening adult class,
to join our small, dedicated team of part-time tutors
teaching Spanish at various levels. Please contact us as below.

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at Griffith/Kingston, Canberra's Inner South

our most popular course gives you
a sound start in the Spanish language,
whatever your reason for learning.

MONDAYS 6.30pm from 28 APRIL
$365 including course book.
Mondays @ 6.30pm once a week for 8 weeks
places available

WEDNESDAYS 6.30pm from 30 APRIL
$380 including course book.
Wednesdays @ 6.30pm once a week for 9 weeks
1 place available