email and contacting us

In August 2020 we changed email providers (OK let's be direct: we sacked the old one) because of issues with unreliable email provision. Sometimes we just didn't seem to get emails, or they popped up days later. So we apologise if email communications were patchy at times. All changed now!

We are using an Australian-based specialised email service called FASTMAIL, of which our administrator Stuart has had experience for more than a year with other business activities, and he says it's a great, super-reliable service.

Nancy, our director, will continue to be your first point of contact to discuss your needs and assess your abilities in Spanish. Despite her name she is in fact a native Spanish speaker from South America.

To email us click on the link at the bottom of the page, or phone 0419 705 473 or (02) 5100 4464, or use our
inquiry form